You spend anywhere from 6-24 months planning the perfect outdoor wedding and reception but you cannot control the weather, ever. I am sure this doesn't really come to you as a total surprise, right?
Well you would be amazed to learn about how many people put together a big event, weddings included, who have not made any provisions for a backup plan.
There are some things you can do in the rain and get away with it. It's a proven fact that a football game will thrive in the rain. But have you ever heard the term that electricity and water don't mix?
Recently we have had our share of clients who didn't think it was necessary to have any kind of plan in case the weather wasn't perfect. So I just thought it was a good idea to put the bug in your ear, that sometimes it does pay off to think things out from a logical point of view.
You may be able to actually get married in the rain, but you can't expect anyone to set up any electronics or electrical equipment outdoors when the chances of getting rained out are pretty close to a sure thing. You may know in Georgia that on almost any given day when the summer weather hits if there is a good percentage of precipitation expected that sometime around 4 pm it is a sure thing to come from out of nowhere. I learned this the first time I lived in GA back in the 80's and the weather is the same now as it was back then.
We can also tell you a small tent or cover just for the DJ is not going to cut it if the weather threatens to rain or storm, once the winds and such hit, rain no longer just showers straight down. An additional concern of safety comes into play if the ground is moist, wet, or damp, either new moisture or if it is present because of recent exposure.
It is also wise to mention the fact that if the rain and storms are about to hit, where do you think everyone else is going to try to go? You got it, under whatever cover you have provided even if it is not intended for them.
If you are planning an important event outdoors, it really can pay off to have an alternate plan to hold the event indoors somewhere even if it doesn't measure up with the wedding you always envisioned ever since you were a little girl.